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Available positions – Tutors / Chief of team

A useful and fascinating work in pedagogy management and facilitation, paleontology, astronomy, architecture, electronics, computers, robotics, mechanics, model airplanes, model making, renewable energy, ecology, geology, archeology... Go to detailed description

Available positions – Tutors / Chief of team

A useful and fascinating work in pedagogy management and facilitation, paleontology, astronomy, architecture, electronics, computers, robotics, mechanics, model airplanes, model making, renewable energy, ecology, geology, archeology... Go to detailed description

Exceptional adventures and real projects for sustainable development

Home > Offres d'emplois > Available positions – Tutors / Chief of team

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In previous years, our campers have officially named the craters on Mars, they discovered flint arrowheads from the Neolithic Age, they launched a photo-identification of marine mammal program, by following the footsteps of Snow leopard, they traversed Kyrgyzstan on horseback, or... they cooked blueberry tarts.

And you, what are you going to get them to achieve next year?

The Job Offer

This page is addressed to the candidates who want to become:
- Tutors // Sciences Educators
- Stays Directors
- Sanitary Assistants [1]

The vacant positions in the technical fields (biology, electronics ...) belonging to our employment offers are indicated on this page. We invite you to read further.

Similarly, the places where the activities take place will influence your ability to join the Centre depending on whether you live near or far. Carefully read the content of this page for all the details.


Choosing to become a Stays Director, Sanitary Assistant or Educator at Objectif Sciences International, means making childrens and adolescents’ dreams come true. It means choosing a challenge and surpassing oneself in large-scale projects.

The non-profit rentable
Ne pas confondre rentable et profitable. Profitable consiste a générer du profit tandis que rentable consiste a équilibrer le budget d’un projet pour qu’il soit réalisable sans qu’il n’y ait de déficit.
Objective Sciences International organization dating back to 1992 and recognized as NGO international have the special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. With multiple Centres for Scientific Living in Europe (Switzerland, France Provence, France Pyrenees) and in North America (Quebec). Also, in the middle of the South Pacific (Huahine, Tahiti) and in Central Africa (DR Congo, Virunga National Park) or the places of expeditions in Central Asia, Northern Europe, Japan, the Mediterranean Basin and North America ... Each year we host several thousand young people from 7 to 18 years of age, in more than 40 different scientific stays. Alongside with these scientific holidays, it organizes the Classes of Scientific Discoveries, Colloquiums, Seminars and Technical training courses, all based on a new Research by the Research learning model, dating from 2005 and making and allowing the continuation of subjects improvement.

Whether you are an educator, animator, teacher, researcher, scientist, engineer, or still a student looking for a short-, medium-, long-term internship, being a part of the Objectif Sciences International, you will gain much more than just the work experience.

If you want to become seasonal sciences educator or professional sciences educator, we invite you to read further this page - at the bottom, you’ll find the link to submit your application.

If you want to understand the difference between seasonal sciences educator and professional sciences educator, please read more here.

If you are hired as a scientist or teacher you can contribute to this project very simply: visit this site

If you want to submit your application to a part-time or full-time job, please read further.

As a science educator:

Your role

  • You participate actively in the design of coherent scientific researches and in their pedagogical adaptation in a scientific manner,
  • You monitor and implementation of your project with your youth groups. It is essential to find a balance between scientific rigor and the necessary adaptation to your audience,
  • You take care of the leisure activities, sports, outdoor games, cultural activities, manual activities of your youth groups,
  • You take care of the daily lives, going to bed and waking up, hygiene and meals of your youth groups,
  • You are the protector of your group in the field,
  • You help young people to learn the autonomy and to take the responsibility for their actions, particularly through the cooperative (between children and educators) management of their activities.

Your profile

- * You are a science student on the secondary, post-compulsory level of education, during the 3rd cycle of the University or Engineering school,
- * Are you passionate self-taught in the science,
- * You are an educator, animator, monitor interested in science,
- * You are in the middle of the professional retraining,
- * You are open-minded, independent, attentive and ready for the teamwork, for challenging yourself and for initiating new ideas.

This page is designed for those who are interested in applying for part-time or full-time job. If you are scientist or teacher already employed stationary and you would like to, in addition to your job or as part of your job, contribute to the project in a very simple way (training, applied research, basic research ...), please visit this website to check the call for contribution.

What are our requirements?

  • Being strongly motivated to perform proposed work.
  • Being really strongly motivated to perform proposed work.
  • Being prepared to take on very busy work schedules.
  • Having the logistical capacity to travel to the Centre for Scientific Living (by train, plane, car, boat, bicycle ...) which usually is far away, in the middle of nowhere (voluntarily to be close to nature and have clear nights)
  • Being prepared to live, during the period of your employment, at the Centre for Scientific Living (that is “in the middle of nowhere, in Nature”).
  • Being prepared to be just as serious and rigorous towards the animation of the holiday camps as towards PhD research project,
  • Being prepared to make the efforts for the long term. It is better to work one week every summer for 10 years than 2 months for one year in order to disappear after that without a trace,
  • Being prepared to make the efforts before and after - during the Pre-Camps as well as the Post-Camps meetings, continuing from two to four days, and being organized at the Centre for Scientific Living (also “in the middle of nowhere, in Nature” that is to say away from home),
  • Being prepared to make the efforts voluntarily before and after the actions, via the Internet forums and the publication of articles on the website that will highlight your accomplishments.

What will you gain?

  • You can choose between becoming Seasonal Sciences Educator or Professional Sciences Educator (If you want to know the difference between these two jobs, please read more here )
  • You become a member of a, dynamically developing, education and sciences international association,
  • You are a part of the international and multidisciplinary sciences educators network of more than 100 people, where each one of them is inserted there in his turn within their own professional and scientific network.
    - * You participate in the creation, development and management of real and professional scientific researches.
    - * You have the opportunity to participate in short missions abroad (France, Quebec, Japan, Polynesia, Kyrgyzstan ...).
  • You benefit from a variety of pedagogical and technical training courses (astronomy, archeology...).
  • You have the free access to all Technical Training Courses, Colloquiums and Seminars organized at the Centre for Scientific Living of the association.
  • You get a complete range of support and tools (Meetings, free training Seminars in Pedagogy and Sciences, thematic forums for the online collaboration, the “Veterans” of the association, who are used to and ready to help...)
  • You may benefit from the internal mobility within the association, so you can work long term all around the world, at one of our Centers for Scientific Living or one of our Expeditions bases.
  • You are involved in an original and unique project so you gain a valuable experience as part of your studies, work or your personal life.

The conditions

Dozens of educators positions are available each year.

Following the passage of the Stage 1 of training in Sciences Pedagogy by the Project pedagogy and the Research training by Practice of real Research, and once you become the member of the association you, it is possible for you:

1. to work during the camps each summer (it means from one to two months, between late June and late August).
2. to work by hosting school groups or colloquiums during the year (week, month, year ...).
3. to work in your town, in the evenings, on Wednesdays and on Saturdays at the Sciences Clubs in your city.
4. to hold a position of Seasonal Sciences Educator or Professional Sciences Educator (If you want to know the difference between these two jobs, please read more here), or full-time Research Program Manager at the Centers for Scientific Living.

The staff ratio: there is only 1 adult for every 5 young!

The administrative conditions (wages, hours, etc.) will be provided to you during the job interview. The pay is motivating and it allows you to make a living from this work.

These are the domains, in which the educators are particularly sought-after:

This year, we recruit:
- 10 people who will supervise our stays in SWITZERLAND (Valais - Val d’Anniviers),
- 10 people who will supervise our stays in CANADA (La Mauricie National Park),
- 20 people who will supervise our stays in FRANCE (10 of them in Provence, Drôme Provençale and 10 in the Pyrenees, The Garonne valley).
- 10 people who will supervise our stays in Kirghizistan, Nepal, Belgium, Portugal, Spain, England, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Albany, Brasil, Chili, Russia, Italy, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Holland, Nederland, China, Japan, Australia, USA.

- A Centre for Scientific Living in the Valais and the Bernese Oberland (Swiss Alps, Val d’Anniviers and the Lenk im Simmental valley) (Holiday Camps in the summer and school breaks during the school year + Discoveries Classes during the school year),
- A Centre for Scientific Living in Canada, located in La Mauricie National Park, halfway between Montreal and Quebec (Holiday Camps in the summer and school breaks during the school year + Discoveries Classes during the school year),
- A Centre for Scientific Living in Provence (Drôme Provençale in the south of Valencia) (Holiday Camps in the summer and school breaks during the school year + Discoveries Classes during the school year),
- A Centre for Scientific Living in Pyrenees, located 1:20 to the west from Toulouse (Holiday Camps in the summer and school breaks during the school year + Discoveries Classes during the school year).

Sought-after languages:

  • French
  • English
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • German
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Dutch
  • Hollandic dialect (Hollandish)
  • Norwegian

- Stay Director (who received the BAFD training - Youth Community Center Manager, French: Brevet d’Aptitude à la Fonction de Directeur- in the mandatory country or it can be in progress),

- Sanitary Assistant,

- certificated Tree Climbers and Accrobranche instructors,

-  certificated Speleologists,

- certificated Climbers and Tree Climbers ,

- certificated Alpinists,

- certificated group supervisors in Horse Riding,

- certificated Canoe and Kayak instructors,

- Sports animation (multi-sports, the ability to animate a sporting progression),

- Guides for person with multiple disabilities,

- Herpetology

- Paleontology

- Model aircraft ,

- Drones piloting ,

- Aeronautics,

- Electronics,

- Computer science,

- Architecture ,

- Astronomy,

- Geology (especially Alpine Geology),

- Volcanology,

- Archaeology,

- Plant Physiology,

- Physics,

- Experimental animal tracking methods,

- Advanced environmental knowledge,

- Animal Biology,

- Musical instruments construction skills,

- Physics of sound and the application of applied informatics in music,

- and any other field.

CAUTION: The teams of Scientific Summer Holidays are traditionally set very early. It is therefore necessary to apply as soon as possible.

If you are hired as a scientist or teacher you can contribute to this project very simply: visit this site

In practical terms:

  • To reach for more information about the recruitment process, click here,
  • Click on these links to learn more about 3 proposed activities such as Sciences Camps, Discoveries Classes and Scientific Trips for the adults. And if you are interested in what we do daily, make us known in your community as widely as possible!


[fr]Posez une question[en]Ask a question

Madame, Monsieur,

Je souhaiterais obtenir quelques informations à propos des différentes offres d’emplois proposées par votre ONG, afin de proposer par la suite ma candidature si elle est susceptible de vous intéresser, et pour quel type de poste.

Voici quelques informations sur mon profil :
- je suis titulaire d’un doctorat en paléontologie (obtenu en 2014 à l’Université de Poitiers), et suis spécialisée dans l’étude des équidés fossiles africains, ainsi que des équidés actuels ;
- ma formation initiale s’est déroulée en écologie et biologie des populations de la Licence 1 au Master 1 (Université de Poitiers), et ensuite en paléontologie pour le Master 2 (Université de Montpellier 2). Je suis donc qualifiée pour dispenser des enseignements / conférences sur l’écologie animale et végétale, l’évolution, la paléontologie ;
- en termes d’enseignement, j’ai eu différentes expériences à l’Université de Poitiers durant ma thèse (cartographie, paléontologie), ainsi que deux ans à l’Université de Nantes en tant qu’ATER (paléontologie, écologie, cartographie, minéralogie). Durant ma thèse, j’ai également eu des expériences de travail sur le terrain dans des muséums (Tchad, Ethiopie) et sur le terrain (Ethiopie, dans la Vallée de l’Omo) ;
- mon contrat en tant qu’ATER a pris fin en août 2017, j’ai choisi d’arrêter la recherche à l’Université afin de pouvoir me fixer géographiquement et ai récemment acheté une maison à Poitiers avec mon conjoint. Je pense me reconvertir en tant que professeur de SVT dans l’enseignement secondaire, ou si j’en ai la possibilité, en tant qu’éducateur scientifique.

Je suis donc disponible :
- sur Poitiers pour travailler à distance, et également pour animer des conférences, expositions... J’ai vu sur votre site internet qu’il était éventuellement possible de faire cela dans le “club science” de sa ville : pourrais-je avoir davantage d’informations à ce sujet ? Je connais actuellement la structure “Espace Mendès France” à Poitiers, est-ce considéré comme un “club science” ou alors est-il possible d’en monter un soi-même si il n’en existe pas déjà un ?
- en France pour animer, de façon occasionnelle, des conférences et / ou des ateliers ;
- sur le terrain, également de façon occasionnelle.

Y a-t-il une offre d’emploi qui correspondrait à ces possibilités ? M’est-il possible de vivre à Poitiers et travailler à distance (que ce soit, selon vos besoins, pour quelques heures jusqu’à un temps plein), et de façon occasionnelle me déplacer quelques jours à quelques semaines ?

En vous remerciant, je reste à votre disposition si vous souhaitez de plus amples informations.

Tiphaine COILLOT


en effet, vous pouvez utiliser la même interface unique que pour tous les dépôts de profil, pour déposer votre proposition pour des missions à distance et mener des activités dans votre ville. Vous pourrez ainsi organiser des Conférences avec nous, qui se tiendront dans votre ville, ouvrir un Club de Sciences Participatives, dont vous pourrez être l’un des encadrants avec nos autres membres de votre région.

A très bientôt donc,

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[1The sanitary assistant takes care of stays in advance. He prepares the team and the equipment for them, that they are able to do what they have to do with all campers’ health records (such as allergy or disability...). During the stay, he looks after the sanitary organization of locations (rooms, meals ...) and respond to campers’ or teams requests (sores, accidents ...) and if necessary, he manages the relationships with closest to the Center medical services (for example, when a camper sprains his ankle). After the holidays, the sanitary assistant manages, under the control of the Direction of the stay, a related checkup with the campers or campers’ parent concerning their health. In this work, there are also the technical as well as advisory and training dimensions (in the face of the rest of the team). The advantage is that educators are, for a good part, formers, and therefore, everyone builds the field experience.

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